The relationship with have with yourself affects all the others. It’s time to uplevel your relationships!
Tell me if any of these sound like you:
You identify as an independent woman, but don’t really LOVE being single. You secretly think you’d be happier in a relationship instead.
You want to feel at peace and accepting of where you’re at—not anxious about your future.
You feel stuck. You crave inspiration and direction to create your dream life, something you’ve waited long enough for.
You’re ready to stand confidently in your relationship status, and stop worrying about labels or timelines.
You aren’t sure if you want to date right now…and if you do, you DEF deserve a better experience.
You’re dating and tired of attracting emotionally unavailable men.
Single and Thriving Self-Study is the proven path to finding the joy in being single AND to finding more confidence in dating…when you’re ready! It doesn’t matter if you’ve been single one month or one year, become the most radiant, empowered single woman you know!
“Now I’m loving being single! and seeing it as a gift.” —Kimberly
““My breakup knocked the wind out of my sails and really made me question a lot about myself, and after Single and Thriving I feel ready to give the best version of myself to the world!””
😍Imagine how incredible it’s going to feel when you wake up filled with gratitude, excited for the day ahead. You start without rushing, immersed in your morning routine, savoring each sip of coffee. ☕️
🥰Spending time with yourself has become a sacred ritual. You cherish this alone time because you know that moments like these won’t be around forever.
💁🏻♀️You aren’t worried about when you’re going to meet your soulmate because you understand that everything happens in perfect timing.
🙋🏽♀️Right now, you’re only focused on your needs and desires. And that is totally perfect. You feel deeply connected to your intuition, and an inner knowing that every wish will be met.
🤩You take a look in the mirror and smile. You’ve gotten to know yourself on an entirely different level. You’re 100% confident in your single status.
💃🏿You decide to plan a special date night with yourself, starting with a dance party to your favorite songs, followed by a delicious meal. While you’re open to dating, you cherish these solo dates even more right now.
💛After a decadent chocolate dessert, you slide into bed, completely content. You thank the Universe for another beautiful day, and drift off to sleep feeling at peace. You don’t feel lonely. The opposite! You have truly found the joy in being by yourself.
Here is what has been working against you…Can you relate?
Society has made you believe that you need a partner in order to be fulfilled and happy. This isn’t the case. Nothing else matters until you’ve created a juicy, loving relationship with yourself. Once you’ve done that, you will attract the right person when YOU are ready!
You’ve felt pressured by friends and family asking when you’ll “settle down” and meet someone. Instead of forcing yourself on dating apps, what you’ve really needed is two-fold: a mini dating detox, and examples of other women showing you that it’s possible to be totally happy, fulfilled, and confident alone. This is truly the first step to set yourself up for dating success.
You’ve been hung up on your past, wondering why you keep attracting emotionally unavailable men and getting ghosted. What you’ve needed are tools to learn how to embrace the power of forgiveness. When you forgive yourself, you create space for better things (and people) to come into your life. And you’ll start attracting them too.
I get it. I’ve been there too.
After my divorce at 32, I felt lost, confused, and heartbroken. All my friends were settling down, while I was trying to make meaning of my life, suddenly single.
I felt like I wanted more for myself…but I wasn’t sure what that meant.
After spending most of my 20s in a relationship, I was ready to find out who I was as a single woman in her 30s…even if it felt scary at the time.
I asked myself: why did being single need to be a “bad” thing? I decided to take charge of my life and write a new story.
I quit my corporate job and bought a one-way ticket to Ecuador. It was on that solo trip that I learned what my heart and soul were craving. Each step I took was more and more in alignment with my truth.
Fast forward to today, I am proud to say I am single and thriving! I’m living my life as I feel guided, without worrying about what others think of me. I am confident in my single status, happy, and free. And when I date, I do so with joy & intention!
I’ve seen results like these for my clients too.
💁🏻♀️One client went from feeling insecure after a breakup, to setting boundaries, and standing in her power when she ran into her ex face to face.
💁🏼♀️Another woman discovered new tools and the gift of self-love to help with her mindset and healing after her divorce.
💁🏾♀️Another client grew more confident in her single status, not worried about when she would meet someone. (Oh, and she moved to Mexico too!)
💁🏼♀️Another woman learned how to change her approach to dating. More fun, less pressure. Living in total alignment.
💁🏾♀️Another client healed from a toxic relationship & broken engagement. She also just published her first book!
❤️ And yes…my clients have gone on to date & find their dream partners too! (Cue wedding bells!) But they started with this work and fell madly in love with themselves first. This is a step NOT to be skipped. 👏
Introducing Single and Thriving Self-Study!
the go-to course for single women who are ready to become the best partner they’ve ever had.
Here’s why this is different than anything else out there: Single and Thriving Self-Study offers a holistic approach to help you embrace your relationship status and embody your gifts as a single woman.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been single for one month or one year, this program is designed to help you become 100% confident in your single status.
If you don’t fully love and accept yourself, who will?
I didn’t design this program to help you find a partner ASAP. If you want tips on how to use dating apps, this isn’t it. Quite the contrary. I’m going to take you step by step through what I’ve seen work for me and my clients, to help you get to a next level relationship with yourself first.
That relationship, my love, is single and THRIVING. Once you have cultivated the best relationship with yourself, all the others will fall into place…I promise!
If you’re ready to find the joy in being by yourself, and want to STOP worrying about how long you’ll be single for, this is it. Single and Thriving Self-Study was for designed with you in mind!
And when you’re ready to call in your dream partner — whether it be after you take this course or down the road — you will have already laid a beautiful, solid foundation in which to do so from. 🥰
“I feel more confident being single.
I feel much more confident and sure of myself than I ever did before. I can say I truly and unconditionally love myself now. I went from feeling slightly depressed and sad to feeling more positive about my future and self than I have in a long time.
I've learned to really love and take care of myself so I feel whole and not make that anyone else's job but mine.” — Tracy
Flash forward one month from now. Just picture what’s going to be possible for you when you are in the best relationship you’ve ever been in with yourself:
You’ll be radiating confidence, proudly sharing your relationship status with anyone who asks
You’ll feel truly happy with where you’re at in life, no longer worried about the future and when you will meet “the one”. (Ps. He will come once you stop worrying and bring the focus back to yourself!)
You won’t feel bad or worried about being single, constantly comparing yourself to others
You’ll be more in love with yourself than ever before!
You won’t place your worth in your relationship status. You’ll have the best relationship with yourself, so status will no longer be of importance!
Here’s how we’re going to get there together:
You’re going to learn:
We’ll focus on your mindset as a single woman, and get you into a place that works for you, not against you. Learn how to manage your mind, reframe, and reprogram. You’ll also learn the difference between loneliness and aloneness and how to shift!
Your past was important. Learn from it and release it, so you can move on with grace.
Tired of going on bad dates and using dating apps? It’s time for a mini dating detox! Learn how to bring the focus back to yourself and increase your self-love by dating yourself for a change.
It’s time to finally forgive yourself (and your exes), and call in more compassion. If you don’t forgive yourself, you’ll find yourself repeating the same patterns that no longer serve you.
It’s time to see your future for what it is—bright! Tap into your intuition, honor your dreams, and uncover your purpose.
And how about extra bonuses to help you fall in love with yourself even faster?
💛Self-Love for Single Women Masterclass Video Recording
💛Self-Love Workbook
💛3 Tips To Get Over Your Ex Video Training
That’s over $2,000 worth of goodies, all rolled into one beautiful package.
But Single and Thriving Self-Study doesn’t cost that.
Today, you can get it for only $333!
This is the most affordable way to work with me, so don’t wait to grab it! ;)
“Best self love investment!! Thank you for this amazing container you’ve created. Thank you for holding such loving space for me to heal and thrive as a single woman, and as a single mother.” — Denisse
““I learned so much about myself and grew a lot throughout the program and feel so much more empowered than I did at the beginning.” — Emily”
"I love being a single woman. I started off having a lot of confidence issues. Now I am a confident woman with one thing on my mind; myself." — Amy
““Single & Thriving gave me a space to celebrate myself and focus on what I was doing instead of what I wasn’t doing.” —Ryan”
Here’s why now is the perfect time for you to take this program:
If I can leave you with anything, it’s this: the relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for all the relationships in your life…every single one.
If you’re frustrated by the lack of quality relationships in your life, including the unavailable men you’ve previously attracted, it’s time to look inward and improve the most important one first. It doesn’t matter if you want to get married and have babies in six months, or spend more time solo. The most important step to achieving joy and freedom right now is deepening your connection with yourself.
When you truly get excited about your single status and treat yourself like the goddess you are, there’s no limit to the life you can create.
Believe me. I know how quickly things can change! I wish it hadn’t taken me a divorce and heartbreak to discover this powerful truth. That’s why I’m sharing this with you today. No matter where you’re at in your journey, there’s no better time to cultivate the BEST relationship possible with yourself than right now.
The moment you say yes to YOU is when the Universe will start to conspire in your favor! You’ll go from feeling anxious about your relationship status, to feeling at peace and filled with genuine excitement about where you’re at and where you’re going.
I also want you to know that I won’t be launching Single and Thriving Self-Study again in this format or at this price point. So if it’s on your heart, please say yes to yourself today. You deserve to be single and thriving too!
Cheers from one single lady to another. I can’t wait to see you inside!
Asia Dawn
When does it start?
This program is self-study and self-paced, so you can start as soon as you sign up! A link to the coursework will be emailed to you within 24 hours, including all the bonuses.
What's the format?
You will receive full access to the course upfront.
You’ll receive 5 pre-recorded teaching modules (30-40 minutes each), plus bonus videos.
You'll have unlimited access to the material for a lifetime.
You will also receive any updates that are made to the course in the future.
The course is held entirely online so you can participate from anywhere!
I’ve never done coaching before. How do I know this is going to work for me?
This self-paced course is the perfect way to get started with coaching, without a large investment. If you show up and put in the work, I’m confident you will grow from this course! Remember, you are responsible for your own transformation. I am here to guide you!
Do you offer refunds?
Following industry standard, I don’t offer refunds on programs that can be downloaded and viewed. And I don’t think you’re going to want one. :)
Do you offer payment plans?
Yes! I want to make this easy for you, so I've created a payment plan for this course. Simply select the payment plan option at checkout! For additional questions, please send an email to